2022/12/02 16:28

ポルトガルのベビーキッズ用品ブランドMrs Ertha。


運営するのはポルトガルに住む2 人の女性。 すべてのコレクションはオーガニック コットンを使用し、
ポルトガルで手作りされています。 注文品を発送する前にすべてを個別に準備する丁寧な仕事ぶりも特徴の一つ。 

すべての商品にアイロンをかけ、香水をつけて梱包し、お客様がこれまでで最高の状態で 商品を受け取ることが
できるようにしているとのこと。 また、すべての製品は持続可能性の原則に基づいており、パッケージは再生紙で作られています。


Welcome to the world Mrs Ertha!

A brand that started with the desire of a full-time mother to turn her daughters' room into a perfect place for them to play and dream.
It started by designing just a few pictures to decorate walls and when she realized she created unique and timeless collections that gave recognition to the brand. The collections grew, took shape and began to reach more and more families and stores around the world.

The basis of our growth is the demand and effort we put into our products, always taking into account the sustainability of the materials and the suppliers we choose.

We create timeless products instead of seasonal ones, letting them remain in our collection for the time they deserve and not the time that the market imposes.

Here you find dedication and love, pieces for younger and for adults as well.

a day
